Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Site Update and How to Support the Files

I may be dying but I’m still alive.

Well, it’s been a while, patriots. A lot has transpired since the last time I chimed in on world events on this digital autonomous zone, including a Great Reset, the rapid, congressionally approved contraction of First Amendment liberties, and a (successful) coup attempt by domestic terrorists across the country, culminating in an enemy occupation of Washington, D.C. All of this has been very suspenseful and cinematic to say the least, enough to make even this film-loving author forget how much he misses his Regal Unlimited pass. Alas, as millions of psychologically brutalized peasants don the muzzle for perpetuity, the phantom ruling class of the Globalist American Empire (GAE) has ironically thrown off its mask once and for all, enacting a ruthless regime of Healing and Unity. “Once more the [globalists] will rule the galaxy. And … we shall have … peace.”

Take a second to apologize to George Lucas.

Much has also shifted in my personal life, to the effect that I have simply not had the time to perform basic upkeep on this site that brings me no revenue. Vigilant readers may notice some not insignificant changes that have been implemented over the last year. For instance, this site used to be pitched as a place for expounding what “quasi-Randian, classically liberal, borderline libertarians” believe and why. After the events of 2020, I will never again describe myself as a libertarian or classical liberal, as both ideologies are degenerative, unstable, and impotent, serving mainly to glorify Satan and subject humanity to the cruel mastery of whatever group, through luck or nepotism, has already consolidated all institutional power into its own hands.

On a lesser note, I’ve also been chipping away at the 100-something Movies list, as the West’s calamitous and effeminate COVID response and attendant shutdown of movie theaters have compelled me to wean myself off of weekly visits to the multiplex and explore more the history of cinema. This refocusing has broadened my perspective to the point that I now view my effusive praise of Donnie Darko, The Social Network, and other “postmillennial” films with a bit of a grimace. The list as a whole now should be considered childlike and obsolete. Rebuilding it will take time, but it may make for a good book project.

I would like to get back into the swing of writing for the Files regularly, but doing so would require some prodding. Consequently, I’ve opened an avenue for readers to help the website’s operations while helping themselves in a way they should have been doing already. 

Brave is an Alt Tech browser created by Brendan Eich, the inventor of Javascript and co-founder of Firefox. The browser is based on open-source Chromium code and thus looks similar to Chrome, but with the benefit of not giving any of its user’s data to Google. Brave is founded on principles of privacy and security and accordingly features a built-in blocker for ads and trackers. The upside of this shield is twofold: on an individual level, it makes the browsing experience much more enjoyable, fast, and efficient, removing clutter and distractions from websites and wait times for media on, say, YouTube or Spotify; on a macroeconomic level, it can hurt Silicon Valley corporations that hate the American people and subvert their self-government by stripping such companies of ad revenue and data profiles they pimp out to advertisers. Brave also has the capability to open a private window with TOR, which both hides one’s activity from one’s ISP and enables one to visit Dark Web sites that have been deplatformed by domain registrars, which is an increasingly likely scenario in monoparty America and with talks of a Patriot Act 2.0 focused on “domestic terrorism”.

The second advantage of using the Brave browser is the ability to “tip” other Brave users who configure their personal website or social media pages to accept rewards. Although the browser by default blocks ads originally shown by websites, users can opt into seeing nonintrusive text ads that pop up either in bubbles in the lower right corner of the screen (on computers) or as notifications (on mobile devices). In exchange for viewing such sponsored ads, Brave by a profit-splitting arrangement dispenses “basic attention tokens” (BAT), which are deposited in one’s browser once a month and usually amount to about the equivalent of $5 between all my devices. Once users have BAT showing in their browser’s “wallet”, they can choose to donate their tokens to the owner of a particular site or YouTube/Twitter account by clicking the Rewards icon and then the tip button.

For a walkthrough of how to do this, you can watch this video. The key trick is to change the settings to display five ads per hour, which increases one’s donation potential by the end of a given month.

If you aren’t feeling particularly generous, you can also save up BAT and either transfer them to your bank account as US dollars or exchange them for gift cards, but doing so is a pain in the neck and requires you to first save up 25 BAT, which takes about three months, so you might as well donate all your tokens to a good cause—me. In summary, by taking the very simple step of migrating to the Brave browser, you’d be a) punishing Big Tech for aiding and abetting a coup and disenfranchising the American people in their own homeland, b) improving your browsing experience by cutting loading times and blocking ads and malware, and c) supporting my work or others’ (e.g., Infowars, The Gateway Pundit) financially at no cost to yourself.

In the time since 2019, the Files’ Letterboxd account has been banned for unspecified “infractions” of “hate speech”, thus flushing what might have been dozens of hours of labor’s worth of film-centered writing down the memory hole. I used to believe my capsule reviews on that frankly degenerate Kiwi platform wouldn’t be the best fit for this site, which is comprised more of long reads, but I have it on good authority that the criticism I posted there was meaningful to many pop culture dissidents, so I’ll probably republish some of my greatest hits over the coming months to give you all an excuse to come back and learn the Brave rewards function, which you should.

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